Euphoria is an american orginal HBO series. The writer and producer of it is Sam Levinson. It's about a group of teenagers, related among them in secondary school. Although it seems the typical American production where everything's prefect, it isn't. The serie talks about problems of real life that teenagers confront daily. For example: bullying or LGTBIphobia, drug addiction, mistreatment or abuse...

This serie became popular through TikTok, specially because of it's soundtrack. The soundtrack is so good, it includes songs by Beyoncé, Billie Eilish... The original songs were created by Zendaya, the main character, She plays the role of Rue. Rue is a drug addict who's in a process of rehabilitation after an overdose. Even though it seems that this type of topics are not present in our lives, they really are. I think this is a good one because you can see things from different points of view and even compare it to your personal life. The cast is full of professional actors and actresses that have appeard in many other movies. I thought it would be interesting because it also talks about our generation.

However, it is not a suitable serie for all ages. It has got some harsh scenes that not everyone enjoys. Some scenes are weird and disgusting, but we need to reflect on that this images are just recreating real life. Maybe it's our society who should make a change, not an HBO program. Another cristicism I have is that you can only see it in HBO, so you have to pay for it while not everyone can afford it.

Despite the unpleasent images, at the beggining of each chapter there's a warning. I was impressed the first time I watched it, I was even shocked. I definetly wouldn't recommend it to everyone because of how hard it is. Overall, it's so good, with incredible shots and realistic topics that even those images, teenagers should watch it.


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